who reads this? by Andy J. Biery

Monday, May 7, 2012

Here’s whats up

Filed under: Home/Apt, Job, Royals, Travel — Andy @ 8:26 pm

Currently listening to: The Shins-Port of Morrow Product Details Just finished watching: Columbo 1994-2003 Product Details

haven’t talked about me in a while, and really lets face it, a day is far too long to not talk about me. let alone a few months.

Since late Janurary Abbie and I have been under contract on a house purchase out in west Shawnee.  We bought it for a lot less than the owners originally paid so the house was classified as a short sale.  Short sales take 90+ days to go through because the sellers bank has to approve the sale.  They have to work out a payment plan with the sellers to make up the difference and also figure out what they can get back from the mortgage insurers/FHA.  There is a ton of paperwork involved and banks in general don’t staff or prioritize short sales because they are sales at a loss for the bank.  frankly though i think its stupid because forclosure is much worse for all parties but whatever who am i to question the billion dollar banking system.

so our original closing date was to be april 26th and a week before that we heard the sale was verbally approved so we signed an extension till the end of may.  well, here it is nearly 4 weeks later and we still haven’t gotten written approval for the sale.  thats all that is left because our bank has everything ready, we can literally close in 5 days once we get approval. 

the house we are renting, we have to be out by may 31st so its starting to get a little stressful.  Its all up to God at this point.  cause i dont know what we will do if this doesnt go through by then.  get a month to month apt. i guess.  In the mean time we’ve started looking at other houses just in case. 


Outside of the house stuff I applied for a yardmaster position at work.  I take a test next week for it then hopefully get an interview.  Its another thing where I’m just leaving it up to God because I’d like to get this job a lot, i think it fits what I’m good at and I’d still be here in KC.  I’ll go into more detail on what the job is another time, if I end up getting the interview.


I have tickets to the All-Star game, I’m going with my brother in law.  Decided to get the standing room only tickets, it includes all the events.  I couldn’t pass it up, probably my only chance to go in my lifetime here in KC.  Pretty pumped about that, it might be the only game i go to this summer lol.  what a crappy year for the royals so far. 


ok those are the major things.  Abbie and I did go to Aruba you can see photos and a summary on her blog http://petticoatsass.wordpress.com/ .  Its been a fun year so far, just have to continue to be patient and hope that some of these other things come together.


  1. Andrew: I do want to encourage you that God has a purpose in everything. Nothing He does isn’t without His approval. It’s all God ordained. The waiting is the biggest challenge and when you leave it in His hands, only His best comes out of it. (I think of Job, with all his heartaches). We don’t see the big picture and you are definitely growing in faith in Him. I know you know this, but from my life experiences, God never disappoints when we wait. I love this verse in Psalms 27:13,14 “And consider this, that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Be strong and let your heart take courage, yes wait for the Lord”.

    Comment by Maureen — Thursday, May 10, 2012 @ 3:08 pm

  2. Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination… I realize that’s a little off-topic but when I read the title of your post 4 Non-Blondes very insistently popped into my head. But it’s ok, because I do sort of know what’s going on!

    Comment by abbie — Thursday, May 10, 2012 @ 11:51 pm

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